
Timothy Grant

Associate Dean of Student Engagement & Chief Diversity Officer
Student Center

Women’s History Month Recognition

Promoting a positive campus environment

cq9武圣选马还是刀的多元化社区由不同种族组成的个人组成, cultural background, age, language, educational and professional experience, 来自美国多个地区和多个国家的退伍军人和社会经济地位. This exposure to faculty, 来自不同背景的教职员工和学生有着独特的经历和观点,丰富了课堂教育和个人发展, residence halls, student organizations and campus community. To support CSU’s mission, 多样性办公室欢迎您的想法和参与教育节目的规划, sharing experiences and talent. 

符合该机构的圣经核心价值观, 多样性办公室旨在为所有教师营造积极和支持性的校园氛围, staff and students.

The university regards diversity as an enhancement to its mission of promoting academic excellence in a Christian environment; therefore, 多样性办公室旨在培养一个为学生做好准备的校园社区, faculty and staff to serve in diverse contexts.

CSU is affiliated with the 全国高等教育多元化官员协会 以及校际黑人历史月联盟.

How Diverse is CSU?

  • 3,433 Enrollment (2,859 Undergraduate/574 Graduate)
  • 30.9% Students of color
  • 64% Female/36% Male
  • 19% Out-of-State Undergraduates, representing 41 states
  • 41 Countries represented by International Students
  • 14.5% of Undergraduates age 25 or older 

Defining diversity

cq9武圣选马还是刀将多样性定义为不同种族组成的人群, cultural background, age, language, educational and professional experience, veteran and socioeconomic status. Our commitment to diversity is biblically informed; therefore, 大学参与并支持与圣经定义的多样性相关的事情.

Genesis 1:27 “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Because all people are made in God’s divine image, they possess full dignity and are worthy of respect.

Matthew 22:39 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.耶稣吩咐我们爱别人如同爱自己,这一命令适用于所有人.

Revelation 7:9 “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb . . .”


John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 因为神差他儿子到世上来,不是要审判世界, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


James 2:2-7 若有人戴着金戒指、穿着华美衣服、进你们的会众, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, 你们要特别注意那穿华美衣服的人, and say, ‘You sit here in a good place,’ and you say to the poor man, ‘You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,’ have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives? Listen, 我亲爱的弟兄们、神岂不是拣选了世上的穷人、叫他们在信上富足、并承受他所应许给爱他之人的国么? But you have dishonored the poor man. 那富足人岂不是欺压你们,亲自拉你们到公堂吗? 他们不是亵渎了你所称呼的美名吗?”

多元文化主义承认,除了自己的文化之外,社会中还存在许多文化. Furthermore, 信徒对这些多元文化的理解和欣赏应遵循以下原则:

  • 不同的文化显示了上帝的创造力和作为主权,造物主上帝的角色. 1; Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11).
  • 最后,永恒的状态(天堂)将包括来自不同文化的不同的人. 7:9).
  • 信徒应该尊重不同的文化,以促进福音的发展. 9:19-23, 10:23-33).
  • 基督教在某些真理方面具有明确的排他性(出埃及记). 20:2-3; John 14:6, 3:36; 1 Tim. 2:5). Thus, believers cannot regard every philosophical, 来自不同文化的宗教或伦理观念认为平等是正确的或有效的. Christians are not moral relativists.
  • 基督徒不能肯定一种被圣经视为有罪的文化习俗. 1:18-32; Eph. 4:17-24; 1 Thess. 4:1-8).

Meet the Diversity Council

The CSU Diversity Council is composed of faculty, 因其影响力而被推荐的员工和学生, 卓越的领导能力和热情,看到多元化努力在我们的校园增长. 多样性委员会的目的是促进大学对多样性的理解,正如该机构的多样性声明所示, 为整个校园策划多元化活动,把握校园多元化的脉搏.

Dr. Crissy Ortiz – Chair
Dr. Jennifer Whipple
Professor Andrea Glover
Mrs. Beth Myers
Rev. Jon Davis
Mr. David Padilla
Ms. Lydia Johnson
Rev. Timothy N. Grant – Diversity Officer

Cultural Diversity Committee


cq9武圣选马还是刀文化多样性委员会实施了一些突出校园少数民族文化的项目. At CSU, diversity is a core element in academic excellence, 它反映了一个充满爱心的基督徒社区. 我们力求确保一个欢迎学生的学术环境, recognizes, 尊重和庆祝所有学生的传统和文化. 文化多样性委员会由教职员工组成,他们在学术事务副校长的指导下致力于在科罗拉多州立大学校园内庆祝多样性.

Hezy Babatunde
Glorimar Blanco – Chair
Ryan Gimple
Andrea Glover
Kelley Green
Amy Helpingstine
Amy King
Stephanie LeVan – Vice Chair
Jill Terhaar Lewis
Aiye Liang
Kathleen Love – Secretary
Lisette Luton
Kenny Oh
Haesong Park
Kendall Spillman
Mark Sterbank
Clark Carter, Dean of Students – ex-officio
Timothy N. Grant – Diversity Officer




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